Unlock the power of Playwright JS Training

Playwright is an open-source tool developed by Microsoft that enables developers and testers to automate web browsers and perform tasks such as end-to-end testing and web scrapping. It is built on top of the popular web automation library, Puppeteer, and offers additional features, such as cross-browser support and the ability to simulate user input

Learning to use Playwright can unlock the power of automation and save time and resources in your development and testing processes. With Playwright, you can quickly write scripts to perform tasks such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating pages on your website or application. You can also use Playwright to create comprehensive end-to-end test suites that ensure your application is functioning as expected

BalaMurugan T

Available Seats



5.00 pm - 7.00 pm

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Js fundamentals

  • Variables
  • Datatypes
  • Operator
  • Conditional Statement
  • loops
  • functions
  • Arrow Functions
  • Array
  • Callbacks
  • promises
  • Ts fundamentals

  • Intro to TS and why TS
  • Installing and configure TS
  • Installing and configure TS
  • Typescript types
  • Type inference
  • Explicit types
  • Functions with type annotations
  • Enums in Type
  • Type assertion
  • Array type annotations
  • Recap
  • Get Started With PlayWrite

  • Setup new project in Playwright
  • Understand its architecture
  • Cover Key concepts (Context, Page etc)
  • Write a basic first test script
  • Selectors/Locators
  • Different ways to locate a DOM element (by title, by label, by role etc)
  • Write more scripts and perform actions like clicking, typing
  • Synchronization/Auto waiting
  • Learning assertion using expect library
  • playwright advanced Application

  • Reading Data from (.env file, JSON file, csv file)
  • Storage state
  • Persistent context
  • Multi page
  • Multi-user context
  • Test suite structure
  • Reporter
  • Trace viewer
  • Device emulation
  • Geo location
  • Reading console logs
  • Code gen
  • Playwright Inspector
  • Visual Testing
  • Video
  • Handling APIs With PlayWright

  • Why APIs?
  • Learn different API methods
  • API Request context
  • Handling API requests using PW
  • Handling API responses using PW
  • Network interception
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation
  • Oops For PlayWright

  • Handling APIs With PlayWright
  • Constructor
  • Access modifiers
  • OOPS principles
  • Practical implementation in Playwright test script (Inheritance, Polymorphism etc)
  • POM

  • Intro to POM
  • Refactor 1 existing script with POM
  • Implement Page actions
  • Creating Base Page
  • Implement common actions methods
  • Refactoring Test script with best practice
  • Playwright Test Winner

  • Role of test runner
  • Grouping
  • Filtering
  • Skipping
  • Creating Test Suit with TestNG
  • Only Keyword
  • Test level configuration
  • Test Retry
  • Overriding config at test level
  • Overriding config at project level
  • Test Parameterization
  • Test Suite
  • Test Steps
  • Cross browser testing
  • CI Integration

  • Clone repo from GitHub
  • Add GitHub action
  • Execute E2E pipeline
  • Clone repo from GitLab
  • Add gitlab .ci.yml file
  • Execute E2E pipeline
  • Different Type Of PlayWright

  • Selenium Grid integration with Playwright
  • Accessibility Testing