How important is Rest API Training...?

Boost experience by solving real-world business problems with the help of industry-wise assignments and projects. Once completing the course, the tasks successfully become a certified professional in API Testing.

The principle behind the client-server limitations is the separation of its concerns. Separating the user interface concerns from the data storage concerns improves the portability of the user interfaces across multiple platforms. It also enhances scalability by facilitating the server elements. The structured interface describes communication between clients and the servers. Once a developer becomes familiar with one of your APIs, he can follow a similar approach for other APIs.

REST authorizes requesting clients access and manipulate web resources using a uniform and predefined set of rules. The Rest-API serves as a gateway or a single entry into the system. It summarizes the business reasoning and handles all the client requests, taking care of the authorization, authentication, and other necessary tasks before accessing the application resources.


BalaMurugan T

Available Seats



5.00 pm - 7.00 pm

Quick Enquiry

Get Started with REST API

  • Why API Automation?
  • Authorization types and techniques
  • Requests (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH)
  • Parameterization
  • Headers, Cookies
  • Get Started with PostMan

  • Postman Introduction
  • Collection
  • Requests
  • Menus & Interceptor
  • Request Sections
  • URL
  • Authorization
  • Headers
  • Cookies
  • Body
  • Pre-Request
  • Post-Request
  • Params
  • Response Sections
  • Status Code
  • Response Time
  • Response Size
  • Response Formats
  • Body
  • Cookies
  • Headers
  • Test Results
  • Authorization Type
  • Basic
  • Bearer Token
  • No Auth
  • Inherit auth from parent
  • Inherit auth from parent
  • OAuth 2.0
  • AWS Signature
  • Headers
  • Accept
  • Authorization
  • Content-Type
  • Cookie
  • Host
  • User-Agent
  • Practice 5 test cases to write API automation
  • Introduction to Postman Programming

  • Request Chaining
  • JSON Validation
  • Practice multiple API requests to run multiple data with conditions
  • Collections
  • How to build collections
  • Export, Run using Collection Runner
  • Collection Export Options and Command Line
  • Variables
  • Global, Environment, Collection
  • Global, Environment, Collection
  • Overriding Variables
  • When to use what variables?
  • Best Practices
  • REST Assured API

  • RestAssured API Architecture
  • Building a Request
  • Practice a testcase to Get a response from EndPoint
  • Request Specification
  • body, content
  • cookie / cookies, header / headers
  • accept, contentType
  • auth, response
  • filters, log
  • param / params, queryParam / queryParams
  • formParam / formParams, pathParam / pathParams
  • and, with, then
  • expect, given
  • when, then, that
  • proxy
  • Practice few test cases using request
  • Specifications
  • Response Validation and Test cases

  • Pre & Post Request
  • Status Code, Time
  • Status Code, Time
  • extract, response
  • Matschie Framework

  • Matschie Framework
  • Introduction to Cucumber
  • Cucumber Integration with RESTFul
  • Allure Reporting Integration with REST
  • Best Practices
  • Frameworks and Advanced

  • Makaia Framework
  • Selenium + TestNG Integration with RESTful
  • Cucumber Integration with REST
  • ExtentReports Integration with REST
  • Best Practices
  • Project Automation

  • Salesforce Automation
  • Reading Contracts from Swagger
  • Build and Run tests using Framework
  • Best Practices
  • WireMock

  • Introduction to Doubles & Mock
  • Download and Installation
  • Stubbing and Request Matching
  • Response Templating
  • Record and PlayBack
  • Best Practices
  • GraphQL

  • Introduction to GraphQL
  • GraphQL vs RestFul API
  • Automation of GraphQL with PostMan
  • Automation of GraphQL with Rest Assured